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Procedure for Social Media Profiles Representing University Entities

Starting a Social Media Account

那些想在社交媒体上建立个人档案来宣传自己部门的人, program, office or organization should first fill out this short online form, 哪些将被发送到大学营销与传播办公室的西北社交媒体团队. 为了获得官方认可的社交媒体存在,必须获得许可, which involves being listed on the social media directory, the permitted use of the University name, the ability to use Northwest logos as your profile picture, 并在学校的主要社交媒体上交叉推广你的个人资料.

To become an officially recognized social media profile, you must have the approval of your department head, director, NLT member or president of your organization, as well as from the Office of University Marketing and Communication. 学生组织还必须是官方认可的学生组织.

When considering creation of a new social media profile, take an honest inventory of your resources and marketing needs. Twitter和Facebook每天都有互动,你的员工能做到吗? Do you have students who can help? Who will oversee this account? 你感兴趣的社交媒体资料类型是否适合你的品牌? (例如,Pinterest对你想要接触的受众有意义吗?)

When naming your new social media profile, 请在您的部门或机构名称前至少包括“西北”, but ideally include ‘Northwest Missouri State University.’ For example, ‘Northwest Missouri State University Department of Natural Sciences,’ or ‘Northwest Department of Natural Sciences.“这将使用户更容易在全球众多部门中找到你的粉丝页面或推特账户。.

Choosing administrators

When choosing your administrators on your account, choose carefully. It is important to always have two or more administrators, 这样,如果你的员工生病或离开学校,你可以继续访问你的帐户. 选择可靠的管理员代表您的部门或组织发布是很重要的. These administrators should have a solid knowledge of social media, be careful writers and editors, 并致力推广你的部门/机构及大学的整体形象. 社交媒体有能力极大地提升或严重损害你的部门/组织和整个大学的形象.

To Be an Officially Recognized University Account

  • University offices, departments and programs must have TBD ( as an administrator on their Northwest Facebook account, 并向TBD提供该部门所有其他社交媒体账户的用户名和密码. See profile request form.
  • 西北社交媒体团队不会为你的部门发布管理员信息, 但这只是为了防止账户上出现不恰当的发帖. 威尼斯人在线不负责此帐户或张贴您的宣传文案.


  • 至少有两名管理员熟悉社交媒体,能够代表你的品牌发帖.
  • For departments, 办公室和项目:这些管理人员中至少有一名必须是全职员工或教职员工. 如果教师或工作人员在发布之前审查他们的帖子,也允许有学生管理员. If you use a student administrator, 重要的是要记住,当他们不再在您的办公室工作时,删除他们的管理员权限, and to add an additional administrator when that happens. For Twitter and other accounts, 这可能意味着当学生离开时,你需要更改密码, too. When this happens, 请务必将密码更改通知大学市场推广及传讯部. 如果你的全职教师或工作人员因任何原因离开了大学, 他们的管理员权限应该立即被删除,并且需要更改您的帐户密码.
  • 对于学生组织:您的学生组织顾问必须是您帐户的管理员,并且可以访问您帐户的用户名和密码.  在选择学生管理人员时,要考虑不同年级的学生(例如.e.(二年级和四年级),所以毕业后你会有一些连续性. Don’t forget to remove administrators who have graduated.

Individual Accounts

The previous rules do not apply to individual user accounts (i.e.,个人资料在Facebook, Twitter帐户,Pinterest帐户等.) unless:

  • Your identification on said account is tied to your position title. For example, Jamie Hooyman's Twitter account is NWProvost. In this case, 该帐户属于该大学及其继任者, 你的办公室和西北社交媒体团队需要这些账户的用户名和密码信息的记录. Because you are using your position title as your identifying name, 您使用此帐户代表学校,因此必须遵守学校的所有政策. Think carefully when choosing your username because of this policy.

Content of Postings

As a department, office, program or organization, your content reflects on not just your area, but the University as a whole. As such:

  • Content should not be illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, infringing on intellectual property rights, invasive of privacy, profane, libelous, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful or embarrassing to any person or entity. 这些内容可能会被大学营销和传播管理员删除,无论是否有部门, office, program or organization permission. 您有责任维护和管理您自己的页面,此类删除是不保证的.
  • 任何有关大学或你所在部门的机密信息都不应张贴. See Northwest’s confidentiality policy
  • Content should not violate conflict of interest View PDF, computer user, FERPA, HIPAA, 或大学制定的骚扰政策(如上述员工手册所述).
  • 免责声明应该存在于你的组织的个人资料中,你不是代表大学发布的. 免责声明应为“本(网站/Facebook页面/博客等)所表达的观点.)并不一定代表威尼斯人在线的观点,也不代表威尼斯人在线发布.” On Facebook, this disclaimer should be in your ‘about’ section. On a blog, this disclaimer should be visible somewhere on your front page, 并且可以整合到您的页面设计中,或者在您的博客一侧的小部件上. For Twitter, 在你的“关于”部分使用这样的句子:“这里所代表的观点不一定代表威尼斯人在线的观点”.